Anywhere in the world!

Issam Ben Mansour
2 min readAug 13, 2020

Hey again,

did you miss me ? right back at you ! Today I am actually excited about writing this entry in my blog. Today’s topic is : “If you can pick any place to live in, what would that place be and why?”

To give you a short answer, it is San Francisco, better known as Frisco ( don’t say that in front of the locals, they really don’t like it).
Now time for the arguments: San Francisco is the most international plcae in the US, even more international than New York. So if don’t blend in with one group of people , you sure will be welcome with open arms from another group. San Francisco has one of the coolest architectures of the world, houses on both sides of the street and roads alternating the up and downhills. The San Francisco Tramway is a must see and ride for everyone and it is a really cool place to meet people.

Now on a more serious note: everyone heard of the Sillicon Valley (home of Google, Facebook, HP, Intel..etc) so when you are there you are almost guaranteed to talk and hangout with the brightest minds of the world.

San Francisco offers more than industrial geniuses, it has two of the most prestigious universities of the world: Stanford and Berkley.

Finally, you can argue that there are other places in the world that are more exciting or glamorous than San Francisco, but let’s not forget that my choice is subjective and personal. In no way am I trying to sell you my dream , I am just opening up about why San Francisco is the place I want to be.

Now, hoping to hear from you soon, hugs.

Yours truly,


