Conflict resolution à la Tunisienne

Issam Ben Mansour
2 min readAug 28, 2020

Hello everybody,

today I might shock you. I will speak about a conflict that I had almost 15 years ago.

To put you up to speed, you need to know one thing about me : I hate bullies. When I say I hate them, I don’t mean I hate them playfully, I mean punch them in face, hate them.

Well the story began with a friend of mine who is quite a shy boy. He wasn’t really the best guy to ask for advice from, when it comes to girls or being cool, but he was an honest person about almost everything else.

Now the other guy, was a Don Juan. He wore new clothes everyday and had just one goal : Impress girls. Now that is actually not a bad thing. No one resents him for that, but one day he did something that made me go loco.
I was walking with my friend and we passed by the other guy, who was talking to a group of girls. Now I knew most of the girls he was talking to, and I knew that he could not impress them. So what he did, was really aweful. He called my friend a bad name, somehow my friend had the courage to talk back to him and then things got really bad . My friend got punshed in the face and I remember a push of adrenaline in my body and somehow my leg went directly to the agressor’s face. It wasn’t my proudest moment, as I am definetly against violence, but to this day I am convinced that he deserved it.
Remember please that violence is strictly prohibited in respectful circle, but sometimes doing the right thing makes you distance yourself from one of your principles even for a moment. The agressor never bothered anyone else and he left our highschool by the end of the year. So unfortunately we didn’t have the chance to talk about what happened. I am sure that a coffee with him will end a long standing feud. Anyways, shhhhhhht don’t tell anyone I had this incident .

Bye bye

