President for one day

Issam Ben Mansour
2 min readAug 5, 2020

Remember when your parents told you when you were a kid : the sky is the limit… is that day for me , even though it would last just for one day , being president can be a cool thing.

First of all I want to be a president of a cool country , I’ll call it DreamLand (cool right ;) , a please don’t mix it with NeverLand (I love Michael Jackson, but his NeverLand is not a typically healthy or appropriate estate)).

My first order of the day will be definetly : No child should stay hungry , and they can have as much kandy as they want (not healthy who cares , we are ultimately in DreamLand).

My second order of business is to abolish nuclear armement ( well for a DreamLand we still are very powerful)

Third order is to adopt the Finnish educational system ( those guys are so good at what they do)

Fourth order is to make DreamLand as green as possible. Nature has always been kind to us and for that reason we should preserve it.

Fifth order will be to appoint Esther Duflot as an economical adviser. Not only is she smart but she revolutionized the Economics of the poor ( Now I don’t know if being an advisor something that she would accept to do, but she’s my hero so it wouldn’t hurt to try).

Of course this list is not exhausive of what a president of DreamLand should do, but for a day it would be quite great to do all these things.

So until next time dear readers , so long and take care of yourselves.

